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Breeders of high quality PRE horses
May 30, 2022
Chestnut PRE Colt
He is brand new and just beautiful all ready. His neck is long and elegant. His head is glorious and oh so very Spanish! He was spectacular at 6 hours old and is only getting better everyday.
A beauty in the making!
Check back for tons of photos. Video soon. If not sold, our plan is to add him to our show string. Please look for him, Porsche and Ivy in the show ring in 2024!
Color pedigree-ee/AA

Jaguar Moon
3 months old

Jaguar Moon
3 Months Old

6 hours old

Jaguar Moon
3 months old

Cremello, Perlino, Smokey Cream...what is the difference?
And how does Chestnut, Buckskin and Palomino fit in?

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