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Breeders of high quality PRE horses

Feliz du Carel x Brisa CLXXXI
March 6, 2022
Palomino PRE Gelding
Fun and handsome! He comes running when he sees you...a true joy! We gelded him to keep his puppy dog personality. He will be a family pet, dressage or WE partner and all around buddy. Not to mention beautiful with great movement.
He is the 3rd of 4 exceptional foals given to us by his Imported Mom
He is sired by the Imported perlino PRE stallion
Feliz du Carel
who has a ton of dressage credentials but simplified to "2022 USDF Champion First Level Vintage Cup and in 2023 currently #1 in 4 divisions at second level".

2-1/2 years old

2-1/2 years old

11 days old

2-1/2 years old

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